Sunday, July 27, 2008

How to Eliminate Stress Forever, and Eliminate Disease by Ronald Nzimora

There is growing evidence that suggest that most diseases are, in fact, caused by stress on a deep, fundamental level. This is not yet widely accepted by the scientific community, but the amount of evidence pointing to that conclusion is growing every day.

So, how do you deal with this?

First, realize that there are different kinds of stress. There's the positive kind, like the feeling of getting up to hold a speech in front of hundreds of people. That's nothing to worry about.

Then, there's negative stress. Negative stress is not the same thing as having a lot of things to do. It is the mental and physical feeling of being completely unable to cope with everything that's happening.

It's the feeling of being buried underneath thousands of things that you have no way of managing. It's the extremely uncomfortable irrational feeling that time is running out and your entire world will collapse on you if you are not able to get every single thing under control, right now.

So, what can you do?

First of all, take a chill pill. Relax, and simply let it all go. Realize that it's not a catastrophe if you don't get everything done right now. The world will not end.

Second, prioritize, and ignore the things that are not truly important. Don't concern yourself with stuff that doesn't really matter.

If you want to be free and happy, you need to value your time. You need to value yourself, so you're free to enjoy life - rather than being buried under a million things to do.

If you want your body and immune system to function at optimal efficiency, you should make it a priority to completely eliminate negative stress from your life.

Start by identifying the things in life that cause you stress. Once you've identified these stress factors and understand how they affect your life, you can easily figure out how to change your environment and manage them.

Do it now, starting today, and notice the positive effect it has on your health.

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